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We’re Here for You

At Kingston of Miamisburg, our goal is to make sure we’re able to support our residents and meet their needs every day. We’re committed to elevating senior care and providing high-quality healthcare services. Our thriving community is supportive, warm, and inclusive, making it a safe haven for many residents.

From 24/7 on-site medical support and specialized rehabilitation programs to an array of amenities, enriching events, and diverse culinary experiences, our community has a lot to offer. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to fill out the form below. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Holistic Care & Customized Programs


Our rehabilitation programs offer personalized care and access to speech, occupational, and physical therapists to support your recovery.


Skilled Nursing

Our skilled nursing services are designed to ensure residents always have access to comprehensive medical care and personalized treatment plans.

Skilled Nursing

Short-Term Stays

Our short-term respite care services provide compassionate care and professional assistance for those who need temporary support or want to explore life at our community.

Short-Term Stays

Our Reviews

“A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.”

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Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • 1120 Dunaway Street
  • Miamisburg, OH 45342

Conveniently Located

Kingston of Miamisburg is a short 5-minute drive away from the historic Miamisburg Mound Park. Our residents get to enjoy easy access to scenic outdoor spaces and recreational activities in a serene and peaceful setting.

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